2013 Bible Drill Retreat

bible drill retreat

What: Bible Drill Retreat

When: Nov. 1-2, 2013

Where: Norman Park

Cost: $80, multiple occupancy


Worship Leaders will be Jason Teal (Camp Pastor) and Jeff Slaughter (Music)





Make sure to register by October 1 to get the best pricing.

Is Your Kid’s Ministry Unwelcoming?


welcome kids to kids ministry

Mark Jones over at Mr. Mark’s Classroom listed a great post asking “Is your kid’s ministry unwelcoming?”

He asks a series of questions that help guide you in areas that make an impression on visitors to your kid’s ministry.

Here are a couple questions:

•Greeters know how to lead guests to our children’s ministry area.

great greeters……..need some help……..what greeters?

•The children’s ministry area is easy to find.

Yes!……..some signs would help……..have time for a tour?

Check out the rest of his questions here: Welcome, and Don’t Turn Them Away!


Children who date are more likely to make poor choices

kids holding hands pic

Copyright Melissa Witcher


According to a study conducted by the University of Georgia, middle school students who date “have significantly worse study skills, are four times more likely to drop out of school and report twice as much alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use than their single classmates.” Link to UGA study.


Huge repercussions simply to date someone you like. The study shows that children who date are more likely to make poor choices.

This study followed 624 students over a seven-year length of time. So the statistics make a pretty bold statement. But through media, our culture pushes relationships heavily to our children and youth. Relationships are prevalent in kid’s TV shows. Most songs are based around relationships.

I have even had people tell my five year old that he is the boyfriend of different little girls, or that they are going to get married. I always gently assure him they are just best friends. He prefers that anyway. I know people think it is cute. But why start so early??

We can’t get past relationships being pushed on them. So how do you address children in dating relationships with your students and their parents?

Share in the comments below ways you have spoken regarding relationships.

Free Presentation Videos and Images for Children’s Ministry

Exclusive kidmin resources

Now that you’ve got your free presentation software for Children’s Worship, you will need great, professional looking graphics and videos to display during your program. I’ve included links to a few FREE resources for your children’s ministry.

1. Graceway Media– Check out these great countdown clocks, video, and still images. Very professional. Very free. Sign up for a free account to begin downloading immediately.

2. FreePik – Great Photos and Photoshop files that you can use for backgrounds for your presentation material.

3. Muddy River Media – Video loops, countdown clocks, still images.

4. Church Media Design – Backgrounds, theme packs.

5. Creation Swap – Motions, slides, photos. Lot of great stuff. One of my favorites.


Do you have some favorites that aren’t listed here?

Free Presentation Software for Children’s Ministry

Image courtesy of renjith krishnan at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

A great way to enhance your children’s worship or children’s church is by using a projector and presentation software. You can show lyrics to praise and worship songs. You can show promo videos for upcoming children’s ministry events. You can present hilarious videos that will give your kids belly aches from laughing so hard. Lots of options are on the table when you can get a projector, a computer, and a good presentation software.

Votive Praise has a listing of 12 FREE presentation software programs that are sure to help your budget. Check out the article for a full description of the programs, or you can just click on the links below to go to the programs.

1. Exposong

2. EasySlides

5. Songview
12. Asaph
*Children’s Ministry Network does not endorse any of the above programs.
Has anyone tried to use any of these programs? If so, let us know what you think in the comment section below.