Ministry tech tools: Convert any format to any format

Ministry tech tools: Convert any format to any format


There is a new FREE web resource that will allow you to convert any format to any format. This a going to be a great ministry tech tool.

We use the Gospel Project for Kids on Sunday mornings. And we L-O-V-E it. One problem. We project our kids worship service using Proclaim, which is another great program. The issue we have is that Proclaim does not project pdf files, and the Gospel Project for Kids does not send jpg image files (only pdf). While I have been told from the Gospel Project editorial leadership that they will soon begin sending jpg images, it doesn’t help me a lot right now.

I have been using Zamzar to convert my files, but I have to go to email to get them and there is also a file limitation. A little more hassle than I want.

In comes CloudConvert. It converts over 140 different formats. Document, audio, video, presentation, ebook, and image format are completely covered. It is quick. It is easy. It is FREE.

You can download straight from the page, have a link sent to you, or even have the converted document sent directly to your Dropbox. Lots of helpful options!

Add CloudConvert to your list of free go-to tech resources for your ministry.

2013 Bible Drill Retreat

bible drill retreat

What: Bible Drill Retreat

When: Nov. 1-2, 2013

Where: Norman Park

Cost: $80, multiple occupancy


Worship Leaders will be Jason Teal (Camp Pastor) and Jeff Slaughter (Music)





Make sure to register by October 1 to get the best pricing.

Where have you been?

Summer hiatus? Yes. Other life situations? Yes.

As you know summer picks up dramatically for most of us in children’s ministry. Camp, VBS, weekly events, and family time all crammed into two short little months.

Add my wife getting pneumonia, an unexpected surgery (that I found out I was going to need while I was at kids camp), and the death of a family member. I’m back in the game now.

Some things to look forward to in upcoming blogs:

-special needs resources

-introduction of a new Georgia Baptist state children’s ministry leader

-fall kid’s ministry conferences

-new resources


Stay tuned to the Children’s Ministry Network, and help us keep the kidmin conversations alive!



Is Your Kid’s Ministry Unwelcoming?


welcome kids to kids ministry

Mark Jones over at Mr. Mark’s Classroom listed a great post asking “Is your kid’s ministry unwelcoming?”

He asks a series of questions that help guide you in areas that make an impression on visitors to your kid’s ministry.

Here are a couple questions:

•Greeters know how to lead guests to our children’s ministry area.

great greeters……..need some help……..what greeters?

•The children’s ministry area is easy to find.

Yes!……..some signs would help……..have time for a tour?

Check out the rest of his questions here: Welcome, and Don’t Turn Them Away!


Tips for VBS

Tips for VBS

The Sunday School/Small Group Ministry of the Georgia Baptist Convention has released a new video offering tips for VBS.

Two of our own children’s ministry leaders are interviewed, Jenni Carter and Kim Harris.

Check it out here:


Here is the link: GBC Small Group